Gadûhgon Erean Mountains 1230 One of the great ancient orc-holds of the Erean Mountains, destroyed by Varkar.
Gadûhvrás Erean Mountains 1272 One of the great ancient orc-holds of the Erean Mountains, destroyed by Varkar.
Gaikan Kin 1600 Kin sorceress, twisted and deformed, killed by Surya at Lantalaure
Galanarth Moonbane Tellare 1607 Commander of the Knights of the White Queen
Galen Stryre 1601 Half-orc barman of the Curious Wolf in Narthal
Gallius, Senator Erlyid 1601 -
Galóriand Elf -2001-1404 Elf hero, probably the greatest of them all, master swordsman, carried Tormentor, refused to fight at Thallan, bore Asharn, slain at Londannath
Galuril Tarlanor 1655 Herbalist in Lossal, on Bone Street
Galywyn Softstep Elf 1607 King of the grugach, the hidden elves of the Asedor forest
Gamarion God - Elven God (Fire, poetry, song, performance art)
Gamekeeper, The Stryre 1601 Grand Master of the thieves' guild in Narthal
Gangrel Vampire - Vampire low clan
Gardufoss Fae Mhor 1655 One of ten guards of the FM priestess sent to Lossal to steal the Veldrin
Garkaur Kûlataur Orc ? Orc hero and leader who made the alliance with Titus III of the Erlyid in 1500, became Overking, half-orc/elf
Gathien Stryre 1601 Priest/Healer of Morganna, Varensen
Gaval Greybear, Baron Stryre 1607 Ruler of Dakau in Southern Stryre
Gavin Greybear, Baron Stryre 1614 Ruler of Dakau in Southern Stryre
Gedrun Erlyid 1601 Leader of the Renders of the Dark based in Thornal
Gengar's Blade Underdark - Tavern in Erelhei-Cinlu, specializing in combat displays and bloody exhibitions of torture
Gennen God - Khabran God The Master of Lore, Keeper of Knowledge, Lord of Magic
Gerdask Stryre 1602 Barbaric bodyguard of Vardar Peacock, has a reputation as a killer who revels in his work
Germanicus, Senator Erlyid 1601 Scion of a mighty family of generals, young and idealistic
Ghetto of Artisans Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghetto of Chattels Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghetto of Foreigners Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghetto of Outcasts Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghetto of Performers Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghetto of Savages Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghetto of Scholars Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghetto of The Dead Underdark - District of Erelhei-Cinlu
Ghorlar Makluz Orc 1608 Orcish spymaster of Kishshul
Gîjark Mûprlûr Orc 37-72 Orc warlord and hero, controlled two Orcholds, longed to conquer Gloiran, died in a futile attack
Gîkagor Troll 1402 Troll warlord, fought at Parmadin, slew Lomorfil Orchammer there
Gimeth Fae Mhor 1655 Priestess of House Wedrith, one of ten sent to Amberlan to retrieve Veldrin Sk'aal. Chaos thrall.
Githmorein Planes - Semi-human psionic race of warriors enslaved by the Mind Flayers
Githyanki Planes - Semi-human psionic race of baroque warriors native to the Astral Plane
Githzerai Planes - Semi-human psionic race of monastic individuals native to the Astral Plane
Gizhakh Eye-eater Orc 1493 Commander of the ill-fated army sent from Shanauk to resist the attack of Varkar Barduric. Carried the Vadok Anaric
Glarith Key Magical Item 1601 Portable gate-creator to access the Hallows, given to Hildraft by Niotanv
Gláwyn Elf 1600 Wizard and stafflore specialist, accompanied the Elvenhost on the Return, bullied into creating scrolls by Surya, remains resentful
Glimstad Weapon 1607 One of two battleaxes taken from the Hand of Drok slain in Thornal by Hildraft, later redeemed and given to Duzmakhmol
Glithramir Elf 1601 Elven knight, leader of cavalry patrol on the edge of Belamir. Rides a unicorn.
Gloigan Underdark - Realm of the Underdark held by the Duergar
Gloiran Erean Mountains - The largest, oldest and reputedly richest Dwarf city. Home to the Goldeneye Oracle.
Glud Crusher Dwarf 1601 Relative of Hildraft's, warrior of Kobur who led the patrol that met them after the capture of the Kingmaker
Glum Erlyid 1601 One of the Redeemer field team's guards
Glyviel Weapon 1655 One of the ten spiritual weapons in Thykon's hoard
Godeep Underdark - Fae Mhor noble house, ranked 6th, Kilsek-Despana-Noquar-Everhate-Godeep faction
Goldeneye of Gloiran Erean Mountains 1600 Oracle of Gloiran
Gonnar Vilage Oret 1601 The village standing on the old site of Gorntar castle, name corrupted from the original
Gonvan God - Erlyid God (Death, destruction, evil)
Gorfang Day Tarlanor - Public Holiday in Lossal to celebrate the fall of Bardrum. 11th May
Gorfang Deathdrinker Orc 1655 An orc warrior, drunk and drug addict, collector of magical weapons, wargrider
Gorntar Castle Oret 730 Castle, held by the Elves before the Elf Wars, explored by the Wyrmslayers-to-be and scene of their timeslip
Gozân Vráspan Kin 1601 Varkar's greatest general, took control of most of his armies after the Slaying, killed at Vorsand by Sack.
Gravincia, Senator Erlyid 1601 Head of the Imperial Secret Service, secret daywalker vampire, involved in plot to rescue Cain, slain at the Vintares by Sack
Graz'zat Fiend - The Dark Prince, a demon lord equal to Demogorgon and Orcus
Grenthram Tellare 1601 Cavalry captain from Cyrn Sharresh, led fifty men to attack Hildraft and Surya, slain by Surya
Greygill Trialt 1600 Member of the Karennal Renders
Grisirsoc Tarlanor 1655 Herbalist in Lossal, on Bone Street
Grispere Crusher Dwarf 1600 One of Hildraft's many-times-great cousins, master smith, created Grispere's Hammer, possesses copy of the Journals of Elverandil.
Grispere's Hammer Weapon 1600 Created in Kobur as a means of destroying Mergil, a smith's hammer designed to destroy magic items.
Grove High Sylvan Druid Belamir 1510 The focal point of the wood-elves living in Belegond before its' fall in 1510
Grummsh "One-Eye" God - Orc God (King of the orc gods)
Gruthal Tellare 1601 Captain in Vane's force at Oterto, skilled orator and debater, outspoke Hildraft and Surya to quell their riot
Guild Venter Tarlanor 1655 Financial institution in Lossal; bank, money changers, financiers
Guntrun Shatterhand Dwarf 1601 Priest of Kord on the Street of Lies in Erelhei-Cinlu
Gutblock Magical Item - Shield of particular potencey, found in Rhendal's hoard
Guthrom, Captain Stryre 1600 Patrol leader on the northern borders of Stryre
Gythien Stryre 1602 Knight-commander of the Blades of Wisdom and Mercy