Ghetto of Foreigners

District of Erelhei-Cinlu

This district is the only region of Erelhei-Cinlu where outlanders are allowed to live. It is a warren of narrow streets and tottering buildings in varying degrees of disrepair. Humans. dwarves, illithids, svirfneblin, and others inhabit this deadly urban maze under the watchful eye of House Tormtor, whose officials try to prevent the ghetto's mayhem from spilling over into the rest of Erelhei-Cinlu. Other fae mhor avoid the district, deigning to visit the ghetto only when they must hire outlanders for their schemes.

The Ghetto of Foreigners is also the only place in the city (and in the dark elf realm beyond) that allows temples dedicated to non-fae mhor deities. Needless to say, evil gods predominate, and all temples exist at the pleasure of Lolth and her clerics. The temples are heavily taxed, and their priests and priestesses must be approved by representatives of House Tormtor. Nonetheless, ghetto residents can practice foreign religions in relative freedom. The fae mhor look the other way as long as the worship does not disrupt the city or interfere with the work of Lolth.

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