Ghetto of Artisans

District of Erelhei-Cinlu

The fae mhor pride themselves on their lavish good taste in fashion, architecture, fine art, and sculpture. Everything that a fae mhor uses each day must conform to dark elf aesthetics, even such mundane items as tools and utensils. Amid the twisted streets and walled mansions and workshops of the Ghetto of Artisans, fae mhor crafters labor to outdo one another in every aspect. The darker side of creation is represented as well, for the fae mhor consider poisons and implements of torture to be among the most valued works of art. Outlanders are forbidden in the ghetto unless given specific permission by House Godeep.

Slaves are an exception to this rule, since they carry or are marked with their house's sigil, signifying that they are mere possessions and unworthy of undue attention. Numerous businesses in the ghetto carer to fae mhor, including the usual assortment of drinking establishments, brothels, and drug dens. Many fae mhor crafters practice decadence and perversion as a form of art, offering such disturbing services as torture, flesh sculpting, slave abuse, and murder. It is all one to Lolth, who looks upon this sordid district and is pleased.

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