Ghetto of Performers

District of Erelhei-Cinlu

Decadence extends into every aspect of fae mhor life, including popular entertainment. This district, under the oversight of House Aleval, is home to most fae mhor actors, singers, dancers, and other performers. Dark elf tastes are notoriously fickle, and a dancer or poet who is the toast of the town one day might find himself the butt of jokes and cruel satire the next. Unsuccessful performers usually drown their sorrows in corrupt and debased activities. Indeed, the ghetto is a haven for every imaginable vice, since fae mhor performers are even more decadent than typical members of their race. The district has the highest consumption of narcotics and alcohol in Erelhei- Cinlu, and House Aleval allows any substance to be bought and sold here, as long as it receives a percentage. Drug dens, brothels, taverns, torture parlors, and gladiatorial fighting pits exist alongside theaters, dance studios, and public squares.

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