Gorfang Deathdrinker

An orc warrior, drunk and drug addict, collector of magical weapons, wargrider

A massively powerful orc, dressed in tattered clothes of bright colours, armoured in mail and behung with a bewildering array of various-sized weapons, Gorfang has green skin covered in scars, long black braided hair and piercing blood red eyes. A massive wolf-like creature stands calmly beside him, equipped with a saddle and loaded with some of the equipment even this mighty warrior can't carry. His expression is cruel and evil-tempered, and he's smoking something that does not smell good.

Gorfang has little interest in monetary treasure, except insofar as it procures him better weaponry. He collects what he calls 'pointy sticks' - magical weapons, preferably as powerful as possible. He carries the black Fae Mhor sword Veldrin Sk'aal, and is currently seeking the mythical vadok Anaric.

Most orcs are fond of alcohol and other stimulants, but Gorfang's upbringing in civilized countries placed him in situations where he had more access to them than most orcs do, and he has what a human would call 'a problem'. It's only fair to note that Gorfang regards this more as a taste for extreme binge drinking at intervals. He divides his time firmly into 'working' and 'not working' and by and large keeps his cravings under control when he's 'working'. When he is not, he will release the thirst and drink himself determinedly into a stupor, something that takes a lot of time, effort and drink.

He makes far less of an effort to control his legendary temper; if balked of a kill, or frustrated by magic, he can become even more violent than normal.

His mount, the warg Shamlakh, is actually far more intelligent than he tends to let on to, and can speak a few words of the orcish language - when he feels like it.

Gorfang does not appreciate having been deceieved by Damarus and the Blood Snake; and despite having had his revenge on the former, is determined to take out his aggravation on the latter as well. The dreams he experienced in the Trakar convinced him that Anaric was to be found in the Blood Snake's hoard, and this turned out to be true. Now bearing the spiritually significant vadok formerly wielded by two of the orc race's greatest heroes, his process in combat continues to grow. Bearing the Regalia of Hektis, the war god of lost Khabra, and the martial gifts bestowed by the four pharaohs after the eviction of Thykon from the Pyramid of Anshenkehra has only made him more formidable.

It is also gradually becoming apparent that certain elements among the Fae Mhor will go to any lengths necessary to secure the return of the black sword Veldrin Sk'aal. Gorfang doesn't feel inclined to give it up, so more trouble can be anticipated.

A series of strange chances and some precipitate action ended up placing Gorfang in the Governor's chair in Lossal, Tarlanor. By a mixture of common sense, lucky guesses, skilled subordinates and red-eyed intimidation, the orc managed to suppress the riots his predecessor had been instigating and keep order in the city until the official replacement arrived. As a Governor Emeritus, he remains a civic dignitary in Lossal and has citizenship, allowing him to own land and so forth. The vacant country estate of the previous Governor was granted to him and he retains this as an occasional home, though he is unlikely to settle.

The taste for power has touched him, however, and it is very likely that one day he will carve out a kingdom of his own.

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