Ealmere Stryre 1608 Tiny fishing village on the southern Stryran coast
Eäráldur Volven Belegond 1602 Commander of the Spearhead, elven knight, survivor of the fall in 1510, veteran of Thallan
Eclavdra Fae Mhor 1601 High Priestess of Lolth & Matriarch of House Eilservs, the closest thing to a ruler the Fae Mhor have.
Egron Thurin Tellare 1601 Representative of Ragnal on the Suryan Council of New Tellare
Ehlonna God - Erlyid Goddess (Woodlands)
Eilservs Underdark - Fae Mhor noble house, ranked 1st, Eilservs-Tormtor faction
Eladriel Elvarambor Elf 1600 Seasoned warrior, knight and emissary for the Return faction, a Dragonslayer
Elanros Viridor - Coastal elven city on Viridor, site of the Wyrmslayers' arrival - first and only non-elven foot set on Viridor
Elbedur Viridor - Noldor fortress on Viridor
Elberion Viridor - Noldor fortress on Viridor
Eldanu Weapon ? One of the Seven Swords of the Noldor, Dolthoron's sword
Eldrigol Viridor - Noldor fortress on Viridor
Elenrael Sigil 1608 Elven rogue and spy hired to trail Kyraetha
Elf Hammer Magical Item 1601 Created by Skufruss Lord of Dragons....
Elf Wars Belamir 1385-1510 The succession of invasions and wars waged by Varkar against the Elves
Elgnis Kin 1600 Kin ruler of Oret, not much good, killed in a revolt
Eliil Tarlanor 1655 Lizardwoman barkeeper at the Bull and Elephant in the nice section of Lossal
Elmaria God - Elven Goddess (Healing)
Eloy Brackensen Tellare 1655 Warrior and rogue from New Tellare and the fringes of the Trakar, first speaker of Sebath in 3,000 years
Elsilroth Viridor - One of the great forested cities of inner Viridor
Elváthien Viridor 1600 Council of lords established to rule the elves in the King's name after Doronond's retreat to Mournking Tower
Elverandil Elf - Most skilled smith of the Elves, forged the Seven Swords of the Noldor for the Elf Wars, giving them to the greatest heroes.
Elvish Language - Language of the Elven peoples
Elvond Gorion Belamir 1602 Shadow Leader, commander of the Shadowguard assigned to the Spearhead in Belegond, killed by Gorfang
Emaros Viridor - One of the great forested cities of inner Viridor
Emrys Stryre - City in northern Stryre
Encasement Magical Item - Enchantment placed on armour for vampires; permits survival in full sunlight
Enning Enning - Northern land, horse-country, ruled well by Thelvian Tyrkor, seer and warrior Kin, since the Slaying
Enranion Viridor - One of the great forested cities of inner Viridor, capital of the island and seat of the Elváthien
Episcopal Guard Stryre 1602 The official bodyguard of the high priesthood of Aderra, especially in the Basilica
Eralevia Fae Mhor 1655 Priestess of House Wedrith, one of ten sent to Amberlan to retrieve Veldrin Sk'aal. Necromancer, later lich
Erean Mountains Erean Mountains - Mountain range to the east of Alair, home to the majority of the dwarves of Alair, site of the ruined Orcholds destroyed by Varkar
Erelhei-Cinlu Fae Mhor - The dark city of the Fae Mhor in the Underdark realm Nindolen
Erilas Tarlanor 1655 Archmage and member of the Lossal Mageguild, patron of Méabh
Erlyid Erlyid - The human race of Southern Alair
Erlyid Empire Erlyid - Southern land, once a great human empire, now in decline, but still the peak of civilization, culture, magical and military power in Alair
Estival Slaad 1601 White Slaad, Lord of the army invading Bel'Raldar
Everhate Underdark - Fae Mhor noble house, ranked 5th, Kilsek-Despana-Noquar-Everhate-Godeep faction