
The human race of Southern Alair

The humans who expanded into the south of Alair were different from the first settlers. These were shorter, darker and considerably less amenable. Calling themselves the Erlyid, they rapidly built a powerful empire, and soon came into conflict with the Elven masters of the centre of Alair.

At its' peak, the Erlyid Empire covered half known Alair, and was the highest civilization produced by mankind. But, inevitably, denied further expansion, the Empire waned, though it will be a long time in its' dying, and may yet have glory before the night.

Humans of Erlyid stock make up the bulk of the population of Nhased and Stryre as well as the Empire itself. Dark, generally swarthy, and somewhat shorter than their northern cousins, they are hardy and dynamic and occasionally produce individuals of great intellect or magical power.

The Erlyid military is the best in the world, even now in the years of the empire's decline. Structured around a basic absutum (legion) of 5,000 troops, divided down into fifty 100-man exardii and again into 5-man declartae, the whole dovetails together to an awesome military engine. Discipline is iron, mainly handled by the exardiae sub-officers.

The social structure of the Empire is very defined and formal, with the plebian masses (Ligustoi) forming the bulk of the population. Above them come the merchant class, or Secundlius. Above that are the three tiers of nobility; the Urimserai, Lohrdserai and Dahrserai respectively. The Emperor is always of the highest Dahrserai blood. Senators may be of any of the 'serai (nobility). Even the lowliest Ligusto, however, is an Imperial Citizen, and regarded as superior to any outlander. The properly Imperial outlook is to regard all foreigners as either potential foes or possible slaves.

The Erlyid Empire is the only human nation to hold slaves, and would indeed collapse without them.

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