Eloy Brackensen

Warrior and rogue from New Tellare and the fringes of the Trakar, first speaker of Sebath in 3,000 years

fighter from New Tellare whose father was a fisherman and forester descended from Oreti refugees. Eloy is of average height and rather slender, with ice-white hair and rather tanned skin. Armoured in mail, he carries both a long and short sword, a shield and a longbow.

Eloy's attitude to life has rather hardened since associating with the other members of the party, and in particular he has tried to emulate Gorfang's orcish warrior ethos. He has also picked up some of the same skills as Lynien and is a member of the same guild, based in Lossal.

While by no means as powerful a warrior as Gorfang in a straight fight, he possesses other skills which enable him to make a mark on most encounters. A legacy of his herbalist parents is a dwindling stock of a healing salve which has saved Gorfang's life on at least two occasions.

Eloy has no single reason for pursuing the quest for the Blood Snake, but a combination of loot, a good fight, and some interesting new sights have him along for the ride.

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