
Language of the Elven peoples

The elf language is a complex, growing thing, with endless deep nuances and great poetry and aesthetic beauty. It’s also very difficult to learn well; a few phrases can be grasped relatively easily, but a lot of study is needed for fluency. There are actually two dialects. The Noldor, originally of eastern Sildor, speak and write their elvish slightly differently to the Sindar or wood-elves of western Sildor. The sea-elves of Belegond used the language slightly differently too, but this is more of an accent than a linguistic split.

Both languages use a graceful written form derived from the ancient Feanorian script; the Noldor have a slightly different way of presenting this.

Since the destruction of Sildor and the virtual extermination of the Elven people, the fluid and beautiful elf language disappeared almost entirely from Alair. Its' use was utterly banned in the Dragonrealms, with terrible punishments for the stubborn. Only where scholars worked with ancient Elven writings, and (paradoxically) in the dwarf kingdoms, were there many people who could speak the elvish language.

Since the Return, elves are once again available to converse with, and this most ancient of languages is spreading again.

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