Abbathor the Collapser God - Dwarf God (Death, disaster, greed)
Aboleth Underdark - An ancient and evil race of bottom-dwelling aquatic creatures.
Aboragan Trakar 1655 Lizardman warrior of the Mengis tribe
Abyss, the Planes - The lower plane, sectioned into 666 layers, inhabited by the demons of chaotic evil and destination of chaotic evil souls
Acertus Erlyid 1601 Gravincia's right hand man, captured after Vintares, tortured, revealed much before dying.
Adamantite Magical Item - Black metal of meteoric origin, used for the most powerful weapons and armour, crafting secrets lost with Elverandil
Aderra God - Erlyid Goddess (Wisdom and Magic)
Adrinella Fae Mhor 1655 Priestess of House Wedrith, one of ten sent to Amberlan to retrieve Veldrin Sk'aal. Seer and diviner.
Aeglor's Fist Stryre 1602 Knightly order, most northerly in Stryre, frontline to the Desolation, also name of the fortress
Aera Elf 1601 Druid, mistress of a grove on the edge of Belamir, sworn foe of the Curst, offered Awakening for Billy
Aesilos Viridor - Noldor fortress on Viridor
Afendalind Fae Mhor 1655 Priestess of House Wedrith, one of ten sent to Amberlan to retrieve Veldrin Sk'aal. Commander of the mission
Agathys Planes - Layer of Carceri
Aglarka Weapon ? One of the Seven Swords of the Noldor, Thyril Soul Harper's sword
Agony Magical Item - Distillation created from the suffering of a tortured sentient, powerful component in rituals of Dark Magic.
Agrippa, Senator Erlyid 1601 Young, wants to be a general, disappointed at the aborted Dragonwar
Akachta Planes 1602 Ancient Mind Flayer Elder Brain from the Imperial Age
Akara Stryre 1601 Kobold hero, adopted by dwarves, helped defeat Da'treal Achria
Alael Linril Tarlanor 1655 Official Governor of Lossal after Bardrum's death
Alakanga's Tarlanor 1655 Coffee shop in Lossal, one meet point used by the Assassins' Guild
Alasmarin Elf 730 Lord of Gorntar, turned to a vampire, staked in his tomb at some stage before the Elf Wars
Aldgorm, river Dalaghendor - River running through Dalaghendor
Aldua Foamwolf Stryre 1601 Dwarf weaponcrafter, Blade Street, Varensen
Aldwood Baravan Kordasa 1601 The best bowyer in the Kordasa
Aleval Underdark - Fae Mhor noble house, ranked 8th, neutral
Alfwug Bonehammer Erlyid 1601 Precentor of the Thornal chapter of the Kyraura, legs destroyed by fiends
Aloysius Tarlanor 1655 Journeyman wizard at the Lossal Mageguild, encountered working the identify-for-hire desk
Alum Stryre - City in the Stryran Grand Duchy of Kome
Amanrin Carin Kordasa 1627 Manton Vanechka's second in command, took over when he was killed in the war with Tarlanor
Amber Hypothesis Planes - Theory that there is only one True Prime Material and the others are shadows
Amberlan Tarlanor 1115 Capital city of Morglas, later home of Setram and site of the fae mhor expedition to retreieve the Veldrin
Amonenhet Khabra ? A great pharaoh of Khabra, buried in the Pyramid of Anshenkehra
Amrath Tellare 695 Prince of Tellare at the time of the battle of Thallan, notable general, buried in Thallith
Amraz Headbreaker Orc 1602 Clan-lord and faction leader after Garkaur, killed by Maurend the Uncanny
Amvincia Erlyid - Shield used by Erlyid soldier
Anakha Weapon 1600 Wakizashi short sword, half the matched set Anakha-Dyvka. Retrieved from Varkar's weaponhoard by Kobort of Tusmit
Anaric Weapon 1655 Orc double axe. One of the spiritual weapons in Thykon's Hoard
Ancorir Weapon - The Mace of Absolute Chaos
Anfadil God - Elven God (Sea, honour, justice and law)
Angry Hare, the Erlyid 1601 Downtown dive in Thornal, location of vampire spawn's capture
Anladur God - Elven Goddess (Fate, stars)
Anmarion Viridor - One of the great forested cities of inner Viridor
Anshenkehra Khabra ? A great pharaoh of Khabra, buried in the Pyramid of Anshenkehra, enslaved by Tykon
Antonius, Senator Erlyid 1601 Dark horse, untested, much potential
Antrol Antrol - Northern land, insular sheep-farmers mostly, ruined by the Dragon and again by the Elvenhost, largely uncontrolled
Arcanosphere Planes - The invisible field of magical energy permeating all planes, powers and conducts magic
Arech, Necropolis of Stryre 1602 Hill and graveyard brought from the plane Sarugost to the Fens of Korvux by Tersoal the lich
Arelin Ndrall Mountains - Hill dwarf city in the Ndrall Mountains
Aren Acennanson Tarlanor 1655 Third Factorum of Guild Venter, powerfully charismatic
Arenzar Ndrall Mountains - Hill dwarf city in the Ndrall Mountains
Ariella Tellare 1601 Resistance fighter working against Vane the Mace. Sister of Delgarde.
Arnora Planes - Sealed demiplane in the Realm of Law; prison of Cain the First Vampire
Artila Kin 1600 Kin warrior, sorcerer and necromancer, rose as a lich to lead the Shadowkami
Artin Stryre 1608 Eldest son of Baron Carva of Varen
Artin Tarlanor 1655 Assassins Guild mission handler, Lossal
Asedor Forest Erlyid - Mighty forest within the Empire's borders, biggest in Known Alair.
Asharn Weapon ? One of the Seven Swords of the Noldor, Galoriand's sword. Asharn is now borne by Eäráldur Volven
Ashia's Sword Weapon - Powerful Githyanki Silver Sword, retrieved from Varkar's hoard, finally returned to Vlaakith by Kazoth
Ashmuzkor-Kord God 1638 Sect of the Kordic Church among the orcs of Kishshul, founded by Duzmakhmol
Asildur Mithmaras Elf -542-1409? Elf hero and pacifist, was to have borne Mergil after Londannath, would not wait & disappeared, later reappeared as a Death Knight, slain by 'slayers
Asildur's Armour Magical Item 1601 Plate armour, made for Asildur by Elverandil, modified by the Dark Powers
Askulban Weapon - Chaotic waraxe, found in Rhendal's hoard
Assamites Vampire - Vampire low clan
Assassin, the Kin 1600 Kin murderer, mysterious appearance, killer of Hrolf Earthstar King of Kobur
Astartes, Senator Erlyid 1601 Hater of orcs and half-orcs, murdered by staking in 1608
Athagari God - Dwarf Goddess (Hearth and home)
Avernus Planes - Uppermost of the Nine Hells, a land of ash, flame & war, a frontline in the Blood Wars.
Axe of Glass Weapon - Holy weapon of Kord, a 4' glowing blue glass greataxe.
Axeedge, Cardinal Dwarf 1600 Cardinal & Archpriest of Kord at Kobur, entrusted the Axe of Glass to Hildraft Varbgas Bogadun
Azarrath Fiend - Balor lieutenant of Graz'zat, master of Thanatos