
Hill dwarf city in the Ndrall Mountains

- Famous for yearly drinking festival.
- Known for its abundance of a particular animal (Thoqqua).
- Tomb of Niotanv, speaker of the Red Curse
- Perched at the top of a cliff.
- Has an abundance of gems.

Where Hadrasar was built in a pleasant valley, Arelin's exterior was perched on a massive ledge, hundreds of feet up a cliff, itself a gigantic fault in the side of the mountain. A narrow, heart-stoppingly precipitous track ran up the face of the cliff to the city gates, providing an eminently defendable approach. Another surprise; mountain dwarves didn't bother much with defences on the surface.

On the ledge itself were several buildings, surrounded by a strong wall; it appeared more of Arelin was above the ground than Hadrasar. Little farming was in evidence, but this was not unexpected; Arelin's main trade was in fine gemstones, and that they imported a lot of the food they couldn't grow underground.

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