Raden Stryre 1601 Walled town in Northern Stryre
Raldar Z'hin Fae Mhor ? Male warlord of unusual dominance, planned to invade Sildor, first owner of Tormentor
Rallyt Dalaghendor 1655 Riding lizard dealer on the lizard side of Nasirolan; a lizardman
Ramphaag Thunderslayer Orc 1601 Orc hero, emmissary from the renegades seeking a return to the old ways sent to Enning to seek Sack.
Ranks of Iron Dwarf 1600 Elite bodyguard of the Kings of Kobur, reputed the best fighters among dwarfkind
Rarrl Orc 730 Chief of the orcs living in Gorntar Castle, slain by the party
Rasmussen Kordasa 1601 High Priest of the Kordasa until deposed by Hildraft's accidental command. Assassinated mysteriously two days later.
Ravenor Tellare 1601 Representative of Vienor on the Suryan Council of New Tellare
Ravnos Vampire - Vampire low clan
Red Bear Tarlanor 1655 A tavern in Lossal
Red Dust Nomads Red Dust - Nomadic people of the Red Dust Tract
Red Dust Tract Red Dust - Southern land, desert roamed by hardy horse nomads, southern extents unknown
Red Lizard (Layder) Lizardman 1655 Lizardman hero, leader of mission send to destroy the Crysmyrlor
Redeemers Belamir 1600 Sub-cult of Aderra dedicated to reclaiming the Desolation
Redeye Weed Drug - A tobacco-like drug with a strong euphoric effect
Rehul Stryre - City in the Stryran Grand Duchy of Kome
Reital Tellare - Capital city of Tellare, seat of the Kings before the Invasion, then of Vane the Mace until his death in 1601.
Relaxers, guild of Trialt 1600 Street name for the Whores' Guild in Karennal
Remenatus Erlyid 1601 A specialist secutorus, equipped with a full-face helmet, little body armour, a malen or sapentium sword and a small shield
Renders of the Dark Stryre 1600 Vampire hunter organisation
Return, the Belamir 1601 The returning to Alair from Viridor of the Elves after the Slaying, and their commitment to aid and work with the other races.
Returned Orcs Erean Mountains 1601 A warband of orcs who have returned to Gadûhvrás since the Slaying, planning to take it back and restore the glory days of old
Revikhir Nhased 1622 Archpriest of The One in Nhased and the country's effective ruler
Rheerindra Stryre 1608 Daughter of Baron Gaval Greybear of Dakau, warrior on the Dust Marches, experienced Planewalker
Rhendal Vampire 1601 High-Clan vampire, badly burned by Hildraft's holy fire on the border of Belamir, killed in Reital
Rhiobygetra Weapon ? Longspear, older than recorded history
Rhorelian Fae Mhor 1655 Priestess of House Wedrith, one of ten sent to Amberlan to retrieve Veldrin Sk'aal. Pyromancer.
Rilliantorin Weapon 1655 One of the ten spiritual weapons in Thykon's hoard
Rinlan Myrrlnor Tarlanor 1655 Dragonarmy officer and commander of Kolaushi Castle, beautful, lover of Eloy
Rodhur's Stryre 1601 Elegant tailor's, east side of Merchant Quarter, Varensen
Rogryn, Order of Nhased 1600 Knightly order attached to the Church of The One
Rolc Erlyid 1601 Street youth from Thornal, assisted the Hunters of Cain at the Vintares Gate, enriched by Sack, granted citizenship
Roman Erlyid 1601 One of the Redeemer field team's guards, killed in the Desolation
Ronkainen Language - Language of the Panserbørnë armoured bears of the far north
Ruby Serpent Tarlanor 1655 Roadside inn 1 day outside Lossal on the Vorsand road
Ruld Grenark Orc 1601 Orc ambassador to the Erlyid Empire
Ruoyna's Den Stryre 1601 Inn between Varensen and the Vision peaks, run by the retired paladin Bear
Ruruk Swordsearcher Githyanki 1601 Leader of warband sent to retrieve Silver Swords from Varkar's hoard after the slaying, tried to betray the party, slain in single combat by Surya
Ruthric Dragon 1602 Gith-allied red dragon, carried Surya on the Heppetah strike