
Capital city of Tellare, seat of the Kings before the Invasion, then of Vane the Mace until his death in 1601.

The library in Reital castle, actually the property of Skufruss, is the largest outside the basillica of Aderra at Narthal and the Imperial library in Thornal.

The newly-formed Suryan Council met for the first time in Reital Castle, newly rebuilt after the damage done by Skufruss during the unseating of Vane the Mace.

- A notorious arcane order makes its headquarters here.
- Has an abundance of gold.
- Very large standing army.
- Unusually high number of rogues (famous rogue mentor).
- There is an important tomb here.
- Many skilled craftsmen who practice armorsmithing live here.
- Famous for yearly jousting tournament.


The City Walls were complete in the 730s, but were breached in the Invasion and not rebuilt until Surya's day.

1. Reital Castle, a building that replaced the oiginal rather more modest King's Tower (retaining the original cellars and dungeons). Extended and greatly improved after Surya's coronation.

2. The marketplace is where Vane used to issue proclamations and execute rebels.

3. Temple of Pelor, closed and stripped under Vane, now rebuilt and reconsecrated.

4. The Last Inn is the traditional gathering-place for caravans, groups and bands heading out of Reital.

5. Debtor's Tower was the "Police Station", the headquarters of both the day and night city watch. After the destruction of the vampire Night Watch, the tower was left seriously damaged. Repaired after a year, it is now once again the headquarters of Reital's watch.

6. This Inn was "The King's Inn" until the invasion, when it was renamed "The Dragon". After Vane's fall, it was renamed "The Crask Ronin".

7. Temple of Aderra, rebuilt under the instructions of Sigred of Narthal.

8. The Garrison; Vane quartered 150 cavalry and 350 infantry here, mainly to keep the city quiet. Since his fall, this has been reduced, in keeping with the reduction of the Tellaran armed forces in general. General Harker has his headquarters here.

9. All the city's milling is done at the main mill here, and the Miller's Guild is a major political force in Reital. The Guildmaster is named Bevis.

10. Vane originally maintained a guard of hired Erlyid mercenaries. Up to six months before his fall they were his most trusted soldiers. Then suddenly he stopped using them; unmolested elsewhere, there were banned without explanation from the palace. Confused and angry, they sulked in their camp until Vane's fall, after which they attempted a badly-planned coup and were routed by Harker's troops. The few survivors were shown to the borders.

11. Ehlonna's Glade was desecrated and the trees made into undead trees; the vampire Night Watch lived in an underground lair in the heart of it. The Glade was cleared out during the Fall, but remains an ill-omened place; nothing grows there and animals avoid it.

12. Beggartown is where the detritus and flotsam of Reital accumulate. The Night Watch used to feed here regularly as there was usually no attention paid to one less beggar.

13. The Plains Gate is now the last intact gate in the walls; Millgate and Bridgegate were destroyed in the Invasion. The city now technically not walled, maintains only a basic guard at the Plains Gate, as it doesn't really control access to the city any more.

14. Tenancy on the inner fields is held by the more prosperous yeoman farmers. The high status of these tenancies is derived partly from their location and partly from their being inside the defences.

15. The Fortified Bridge was once an integral part of the defences. Now isolated from the remaining walls, it remains practically a small castle, easily defensible.

16. The outer fields, farmed by poorer tenant farmers, are the principal source of food for the garrison and the Dragon Tower.

17. Dragon Tower was the grand headquarters for the entire Dragonarmy force in Tellare, and the co-ordination point for the mustering of strength for the planned assault on Nhased that never came. After the Dragon's death, it became Vane's military hub. Under the Suryan Council, it remains the headquarters of the Sledgehammer, though much of its' work now is the demobilization of the vast, bloated military left by the Dragon back to a more reasonable national army.

18. The Dark Blade.

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