Cadrag Crusher Dwarf 1600 Distant relative of Hildraft's, smith of Kobur
Cain God - Mysterious ancestor figure or deity revered or respected by many vampires, the first vampire, imprisoned in a demiplane
Callia Tarlanor 1655 Agent and spy, employed by Damarus to follow and investigate the party after their hire to find the Crystal Pyramid
Calpurnia, Crown Princess Erlyid 1601 Turned as a vampire by Gravincia, killed at the Vintares Gate
Cambion Fiend - A cross-breed between a devil or demon and another sentient race, usually a human. Also called a half-fiend.
Cappadocians Vampire - Vampire high clan
Caradoc Stryre 1601 Grand Master of the Order of the Renders of the Dark, mighty orator, close friend of Sigred of Narthal; Turned to recruit for the Army of the Dead
Carceri Planes - The neutral evil prison plane
Carnimlonde Weapon ? One of the Seven Swords of the Noldor, Celundir's sword
Carva, Baron Stryre 1601 Baron of Varen in Stryre, lives in Varensen
Cassandra Tarlanor 1655 Half-orc madam, propriotress of the cathouse Cassandra's in Lossal
Cassandra's Tarlanor 1655 Most successful cathouse in Lossal
Cassius, Senator Erlyid 1601 Civil Engineer, masterminded the moving of the Vintares Gate
Cathederal of the One Nhased 1575 The central temple of the Church of the One, and the largest structure in Alair
Cathrys Planes - Layer of Carceri
Caucyn Mountains Stryre - Mountain range in the Stryran Barony of Nexas
Cavalry Academy of NT Tellare 1601 Cavalry Academy of New Tellare, CANT
Cedwin Dwarf 1608 Acolyte of Kord in service to Axedge
Celondil Elf 1600 Lord of Anmarion on Viridor, leader of the Elváthien during Doronond's retreat, prime mover in the Return faction
Celundir "Lance of Light" Elf -4000-1385 Elven hero, bearer of Carnimlonde, slain at Lomegor
Centaur Erlyid - Half-man, half horse race from the Asedor forest, famed archers and sages
Cheftan van Helsing Erlyid 1000 Early Imperial vampire hunter, possibly founder of the Renders of the Dark, defeated incursion into Empire
Choclatal Planes - Hot, sweet drink, reputedly from a parallel Prime Material plane, popular among planewalkers
Churat Dalaghendor 1654 Frog-trapper who claimed to have seen the Crystal Pyramid in the deep Trakar
Church of Kord Triumphant Kordasa 1601 The new cult, focussed on Hildraft's creation of the Kordasa, controlling Karennal and increasing tracts of what was Trialt
Cicero, Senator Erlyid 1601 Great orator, philosopher, Seneca’s adversary
Ciorev the Ice Fox Erlyid 1601 Young apprentice paladin of the Golden Fist, messenger from Dran Trasutor, later a great hero and Grandmaster
Circlethorn, 'Earl' Tarlanor 1655 Master Fence of the Kingdom of Filchers, killed in the Fae Mhor purge
Cirenyyd Vampire 1655 Ex-consort of Eralevia, bound to her service, freed on her first death and killed by Méabh, Gorfang and Eloy
Cirfara Stryre 1643 Queen of Stryre, Kedos Peacockson's daughter and only heir, a great beauty and with a very strong character
Cloak of Daira Fairhands Magical Item 1600 Cloak of Fae Mhor make, though not sun-weak, powers of the spider, given to the fallen elf Daira. Buried with her, taken by Kobort.
Clodius Planes 1608 Beholder in Sigil
Clodius, Senator Erlyid 1601 Dull-witted
Cock's Crow Spell 1000 A vampire hunter's spell, documented in van Helsing's lore
Colothys Planes - Layer of Carceri
Coranix Stryre 1601 A not-very-honest merchant of Varensen, rescued Animir out of curiousity and greed
Cordwin Dwarf 1608 One of Archpriest Axedge's guard, sufffered nightmares the night he was poisoned
Cordwin Tarlanor 1655 Assistant governor to Bardrum, then Gorfang, in Lossal
Coronos, Chancellor Tarlanor 1655 Lord High Chancellor of Vorsand, dwarf
Corroth Helmsly Dalaghendor 1655 Senior Paladin of the Temple of Diruc Nasirolan
Coryan Starweaver Dalaghendor 1655 Captain of the Guard, Nasirolan
Crask Ronin Tellare 1601 Pseudonym of Sack, features in the Ballad of Vane the Mace, human rather than half-orc
Crassus Erlyid 1601 Commander of the Praetorian Guard; harsh, efficient
Crastinuc Tarlanor 1655 First priest of Eloy's sponsored temple of Sabath in Lossal
Crimson Eagles, The Northern Alair 730 Mercenary band, led by Mazahir of Tellare, in which Kobort, Hildraft, Surya & Sack met & learned their skills.
Crismyrlor Magical Item - Deathbreaker; one of two Crystal Pyramids made by the Giants of Fal Torth. Destroyed by Gorfang
Crixus, Erlyid Emperor Erlyid 1601 Emperor of the Erlyid, popular, dynamic
Crysmage Elf - In legend, a sorcerer who specialized in working with magic based on & in gems & crystals, up to & including Sancrist Crystals.
Cuitech Tellare 1607 Crown Prince of New Tellare, son of Surya and Leonora of Rhorien
Cullinan Vampire - One of the very first vampires, sired by Cain himself. A twisted genius who created Cullinan's Plan, the scheme to alter the curse of the gods.
Culusa Planes 1608 Human mercenary and Beholder cultist, working for Clodius in Sigil, killed by Surya and Hildraft
Curst, The Belamir 1600 Warped and evil creatures living in and created by the Desolation.
Curulindale Belamir 1404 Easternmost of the elvencities of Sildor, major centre of trade with dwarves, abandoned after Londannath
Cuthred Stryre 1602 Young squire of the Blades of Wisdom and Mercy, sent with letter to Archpriest Delloch
Cyrn Lothlin Tellare 1601 Desolation border fort, gutted by plague, taken over by New Tellare, New Tellare's first naval base
Cyrn Radelin Oret 1601 Border fort built on the edge of the Desolation by the Dragon, abandoned after Oret's fall, razed by Shadowguard after the Elf Hammer's attack
Cyrn Sharresh Tellare 1601 Border fort built on the edge of the Desolation by the Dragon, abandoned after Oret's fall
Cyrn Weithaelin Tellare 1601 Border fort built on the edge of the Desolation by the Dragon, abandoned after Oret's fall, taken over by New Tellare