B'zorchak Kordasa 1601 Human captured and petrified by the Beholders in Gadűhvrás, freed by the Wyrmslayers
Baeyard of the Konvan Stryre 1601 Knight from the order of Konvan, arrogant, bested by the mercenary Dankeld in a duel in Emrys
Bahgtru God - Orc God (Strength and violence)
Ballad of Vane the Mace Tellare 1601 Properly, the Ballad of the Fall of Vane the Mace. Composed by Hansen the bard,extols the heroics of Surya, Hildraft and Crask Ronin in slaying Vane
Banitar Red Dust - Thalrath word for a herald, a banner bearer
Barcrest Tellare 1601 Guard in Reital castle
Bardrum Tarlanor 1655 Governor of Lossal, and the surrounding Pepterus region
Bargas Stryre 1602 Guard sergeant at Arech
Barikha Underdark - Realm of the Underdark held by Mind Flayers of the Diruplec Cult
Basilica of Aderra Stryre 1600 The sprawling complex of Aderra's mother temple in Narthal
Bear Stryre 1601 Retired paladin, host of the inn Ruoyna's Den
Bel Fiend - Pit Fiend Lord of Avernus, the First plane of the Nine Hells
Bel'raldar Underdark - Realm of the Underdark held by Fae Mhor (Aleval)
Belafon Fae Mhor 1601 First Advisor to Verdaeth Tormtor, priestess of Lolth
Belamir Belamir 1601 The reborn Elven homeland in the midst of the Desolation
Belarn of Blueglen, Count Stryre 1415 Leader of the secessionist faction in Stryre, later first King of the new country
Beldin Kin 1601 Tall, slender Kin who 'inherited' Gozan's army after the siege of Vorsand, not confident of his abilities
Belegond Belamir 1510 Freeport on the western coast of the Desolation
Belisama God - Triad Goddess of Nature, growth, healing, creation, magic, light, fire and revenge.
Beloril Pass Erean Mountains - One of eight passes leading over the Erean Mountains into Sasutora
Belthrambor, Prince Elf 1600 Chancellor of the Elváthien, now Prince of Viridor
Belurith's Arrows Weapon 1655 One of the ten spiritual weapons in Thykon's hoard
Belyr Sigil - Human planewalker, once held a ring portal key, dead
Berephor Lizardman 1655 Author of a book on the flora and fauna of the Trakar swamp
Berewain Dwarf 1608 A captain of guards in Kobur, member of Clan Bogadun
Berretlan Trakar 1655 Chieftain of the Fionath feral lizardman tribe
Berrin Ironfist Dwarf 1601 King of Kobur, siezed power by coup from the Regency Council
Besheri Underdark - Realm of the Underdark held byMind Flayers of the Shakumauk Cult
Billy Animal 1600 Brown bear, animal companion of the ranger Sack
Blade of the Sun Weapon - Bastard sword, one of 10, with powers of light, created to hunt undead.
Blades of Wisdom & Mercy Stryre 1600 Militant order sponsored by the Church of Aderra and based in Narthal
Blaunchard Stryre 1601 Druid and Redeemer, leader of field team, awakened Billy in the Desolation
Bleyn the Champion Kin 1600 Giant Kin, champion of the army sent against Kobur, slain then raised by the Sword of the Dead Legions
Blood of Nilmarien Magical Item -3000 Crystallized blood from the first ever murdered elf, very powerful in a crysmage's hands
Blood Snake (Thykon) Tarlanor 1655 Mysterious sorcerer and weapon collector, propretor of the Museum of War and Conflict, controlled the Pyramid of Anshenkehra
Blood War Planes - The eternal, merciless, planes-spanning conflict between Hell and the Abyss.
Bloodbane Magical Item - Derivative of sentient blood, created by Clan vampires, 'a physical & moral poison'
Bloodfang Weapon - Broadbladed short sword of red metal; an assassin's weapon, specifically designed for murder.
Blue Boar Stryre 1601 Unusually disreputable tavern in Emrys, Styre
Bradoch Tarlanor 1655 Frontman for the Thieves' Guild in Lossal. Fled after the Fae Mhor massacre
Bragann Icefair Tarlanor 1655 Commander of the Soulgrinders mercenary unit, killed in a duel with Gorfang
Brakos Sigil 1608 Cambion son of Denaresk, lives in Sigil
Bramandin Fiend 1601 Mortal Hunter; a mercenary creature specializing in the tracking and slaying of mortals who had offended the fiends of the lower planes
Brascet Oret 730 Small village in southern Oret, scene of the campaign's start
Braxis, Port Planes - Temporary port city on Porphatys, maintained by devils mining semi-solid acid
Bregan Stryre 1601 Coranix' assistant, a kind man with a pleasant, rather round face.
Bregulid, 'King' Tarlanor 1655 Grand Master of the Lossal Thieves' guild, the Kingdom of Filchers
Brendel Weapon 1607 One of two battleaxes taken from the Hand of Drok slain in Thornal by Hildraft, later redeemed and given to Duzmakhmol
Breyurlos Dwarf 1655 Kordic priest alleged to have hired the Kingdom of Filchers to steal the Veldrin from Gorfang
Brion Merriweather Stryre 1601 Weapon collector and exhibitor in Varensen
Brisfus Dalaghendor 1642 Leader of mainly human revolt against Kazalhar
Brother Armourer Stryre 1600 Monk in charge of armour and weapons for the militant arms of Aderra's church in Stryre
Brother Diviner Stryre 1608 Monk charged with detection, divination and prediction in the Basilica of Aderra, Narthal
Brother Joram Stryre 1600 Quiet monk assigned to guide Surya to the library in the Basilica of Aderra
Brother Librarian Stryre 1600 Keeper of the archives in the Basilica of Aderra in Stryre
Brotherhood of Mountain Tellare 1607 Kordic knightly order based in Cyrn Sharresh
Brujah Vampire - Vampire high clan
Bruukr Tarlanor 1601 Skufruss' castellan, diplomat and organizer. Not entirely human.
Bryant Stryre 1601 Tailor at Rodhur's, Varensen
Budhthar Stonehelm Kordasa 1627 High Priest of the Kordasa, elected after the disasterous war with Tarlanor, a dwarf