Brother Armourer

Monk in charge of armour and weapons for the militant arms of Aderra's church in Stryre

The Church of Aderra supports the knightly Order, the Blades of Wisdom and Mercy. Paladins of that order are stationed in various places throughout southern Alair, including Narthal. Their main armouries and store-houses are located in the basilica of Aderra on the edges of that city.

Brother Armourer controls and allocates the martial resources of the Church and the Order. While technically a priest, he has a far more martial outlook than most of the other occupants of the basilica, and probably (he refuses to be drawn) trained as a paladin in his youth. Now he concentrates on equipping the young champions of the Faith with the very best armour and weapons he can make or lay hands on. This inevitably keeps him pretty fit, so he presents a far more hale appearance than his years would warrant.

Along with Brother Librarian, he was consulted by the PCs in their search for information about the Sword of the Dead Legions, and concerning Mergil.

Eight years later, he aided Surya of Tellare in reforging the Sword of the Azimuth for the outworld knight Geriant.

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