The commonest planetary datanet in the Imperium

Planetary Area Network - Also referred to as the Datanet, this is the global network of data and comms that envelopes all worlds of Low Stellar or better tech, integrating local knowledge systems, maps, global directories, news, current affairs, libraries, forums, messaging and advertising (optional for premium customers).

There are several types but the most common is that marketed by PANGEA LIC, an imperial megacorporation specializing in deploying the 'net as a finished product.

The rental charges are very reasonable, but multiplied across most of the imperium the revenues are truly epic. Subscription updates travel along the x-mail network but can also be carried on a citizen's cashcard.

Their 'Pan' avatar presents a personalized face to the interface, accepting input and returning information by means of normal spoken conversation. Others are available to suit the user's taste.

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