Zabrica Erlyid 1647 High Priestess of Aderra at the Annexe in Thornal. Final authority over the Library.
Zabryat Fiend - Marilith general serving Orcus, worked with Surya in the freeing of Orcus but betrayed by him on Thanatos
Zada Stryre 1601 Adventuress and group leader, lost party to the Lamenters' Rune
Zandomyr Ndrall Mountains - Hill dwarf city in the Ndrall Mountains
Zanjalla Tarlanor 1655 Skufruss' general and strategos, Lord High Marshal of Vorsand, veteran of Silnarl
Zellan Tarlanor 1655 Librarian at the Lossal Mageguild library
Zerhal Avara Planes 1601 Cambion half-devil, general of Avernus, holder of Zero-One, slain in Reital
Zeril Planes 1608 Human mercenary and Beholder cultist, working for Clodius in Sigil, killed by Surya and Hildraft
Zero-One Weapon - The Sword of Absolute Law.
Zhatril Underdark - Realm of the Underdark held by Fae Mhor house Eilservs
Zhenchecka Tarlanor 1655 Madam, Mistress of the House of Lilac Lanterns
Zoravam-Anasvish Fiend c.-5000 Female General in the armies of the Abyss, fought in the Blood War