Yakov Erlyid 1601 Dark magic expert for Blaunchard's Redeemer team, fascinated by the subject, thin & intense
Yarkan Bladebreaker Stryre 1607 Grand Duke of Kome and Chancellor of Stryre
Yassukhir Trakar 1655 Shaman of the Fionath tribe, Druid.
Yeluzal Fiend 1608 True-name of the Nightmare Saethor
Yngrid Dwarf 1602 Priestess of Kord in Nisur, raised High Priestess by Hildraft after Heppetah, advisor to King Morgar
Yugoloth Fiend - Non-aligned and mercenary fiends, neither demon nor devil
Yurtrus "White-Hands" God - Orc God (Death and disease)