Pakarb Stryre 1608 Court mage to King Vardar Peacock
Panserbørnë Northern Alair 1601 Powerful, sentient arctic bears, skilled in smithcraft and wearing armour in battle.
Parmadin Belamir 1402 One of the great elven cities of the lost land Sildor.
Pelor, the Shining One God - Erlyid God (Sun; pantheon ruler)
Pepterus Region Tarlanor 1655 Region of Tarlanor governed from Lossal
Planes of Existence Planes - Structure of the Planes of Existence
Planewalker Cant Language - The slang of the inhabitants of Sigil
Plato Planes 1608 Beholder in Sigil
Pliny, Senator Erlyid 1601 Historian, one of the very few who realizes how far the Empire has fallen
Pokkyr Tarlanor 1655 Archmage of the Mageguild in Lossal, and one of the major political figures in the city
Ponic Darren Trialt 1601 One of the New Faithful, warned the party about the demons being summoned against Kord's temple in Karennal, killed in the battle
Porphatys Planes - Layer of Carceri
Portal Magical Item - A static interplanar gate, not created by a spell, requiring the proper key to open
Powerstones Magical Item - Large rune-carved dolmens, stores and routers of magical energy, used to power the crystal pyramids among other things
Primal Weapons Weapon - Embodiments of Absolute Law & Chaos in weapon form
Principa Tarlanor 1655 Star member of the Lossal assassins' guild, very blonde, very beautiful, very pyschopathic
Procrustes, Senator Erlyid 1601 Old
Pulverae Erlyid 1601 The Imperial Secret Service, compromised by Gravincia 1590, purged by Crassus 1601. Sing Pulverus.