Iboleth Tarlanor 1655 Staff wizard to Bardrum in Lossal, associated with Tubalcain the imp, killed by Méabh
Idalla Fiend 1600 Succubus trapped in Khundrukar since its' fall, slain (on the Prime Material) by the party
Igniatrara Runehammer Dalaghendor 1655 Chief Druid of Nasirolan
Ilneval God - Orc God (War and tactics)
Ilthan Erlyid 1601 Middle-ranking Pulverus under Gravincia, associated with those killled by Lygris, used as bait to trap and kill that Daywalker
Imjorst Trakar - Legendary holy ancient lizardman city, reputed to be hidden in the deep Trakar, never seen by non-lizardmen
Inarion Viridor - Noldor fortress on Viridor
Ingamin Stryre 1601 Captain in the Narthal Royal Guard. Veteran of the Necropolis of Arech
Inner Strike Skill - A combat technique devised by van Helsing, whereby a single precise strike can inflict crippling damage on a vampire
Invasion, the Northern Alair - Usually refers to the conquest of Northern Alair by the Dragon Varkar, but occasionally used of the attack on Varkar's lands by the Elvenhost in 1601.
Inveros Moonflame Erlyid 1601 Paladin of the Kyraura, trained by Yare & Bonehammer
Invigilator Magical Item 1601 Peculiar devices comprising a stout wooden pole tipped with a filigree metal teardrop shape, sap victim's energy, only workable for some users
Irandor Viridor - One of the great forested cities of inner Viridor
Irrizar, Lake Stryre - Lake in the Stryran Grand Duchy of Kome
Isenbriand Viridor - Magical defences surrounding the elven refuge island
Isetbashyat God - Khabran King of the Gods, Leader and Master, Justice, the Sun
Isithralindë Hawkwing Elf 1608 Recently appointed Warden of the Eastmarches, given Orchammer's sword Fangtil
Ivhold Crusher Dwarf 1600 Current head of Clan Bogadun in Kobur, Hildraft's grandnephew