
Once in service to Varkar, destroyed Amberlan and lived there, later allied with the fae mhor

Setram was an ally and distant cousin to Varkar Barduric, and came over the mountains while Varkar was busy subjugating the humans of the Northlands. He assisted in the destruction of the orc-holds - a fact lost to history as to the orcs one dragon looked pretty much like another - and the razing of Sinval.

When Varkar discovered the upstart kingdom of Morglas on his doorstep, he sent Setram to deal with it. Setram took a regiment of the newly bred lizardmam soldiers and obliterated Morglas, personally destroying the capital Amberlan. The plunder of the city he denied to his followers, sending them home, and kept all to himself.

Varkar twice called on Setram during the Elf Wars, once for the reduction of Lomegor and for the battle of the Last Alliance at Lantalaure. With the period of false peace that followed the destruction of Sildor, Setram settled himself comfortably in Amberlan and dedicated himself to enlarging his hoard. Varkar was always secretive; no-one besides himself knew that Setram had returned to Amberlan, and once he was dead, Setram's location was efectively a secret.

When Skufruss of the Kin obtained the Sceptre of the Dragonlords in 1601, every dragon on the prime material was instantly aware of it. Ripples of uniquely draconic power radiated through the world. Setram felt these, and knew that if he ever came within Skufruss' reach, his slavery was assured. Thus, between 1601 and 1655 he kept a very low profile indeed, untiil the arrival of Afendalind and her mission and, shortly after, Gorfang, Meabh, Lynien and Eloy.

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