Narvas Aricite

Squire to Surya, King of New Tellare

A scion of the family who may or may not have been connected to the noble house of Aricite chronicled in some of the few remaining documents from Old Tellare, chosen as a squire by Surya.

Strong, active, reasonably intelligent for a 15-year-old, and with a flair for languages, he may also one day be a passable student of the Art Magic should someone desire to teach him. At the moment he serves dinners to you and your lady, straps you into your armour when you need to wear it (something you only now realize you needed), carries your helm, sword and gloves into Council for you, and fetches and carries generally. In return you teach him a lot about combat, elvish and dwarvish, some heraldry, rather less chivalry, and any other bits and pieces he seems able to grasp.

On King Surya's apparent disappearance in the 1630s he went out questing to try and locate and 'rescue' the Wyrmslayer and never returned.

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