
Lord of the Undead, Demon Prince and Lord of Thanatos

Orcus is a massive, bloated demon prince—bloated on spite, bile, and contempt. After becoming complacent with his wars against Demogorgon and Graz’zt waning, Orcus was deposed and vanished. Now he has reinstated himself to his former position and taken up residence in Naratyr, his terrible fortress-city in the Abyss on Thanatos, the layer he rules. Once again Orcus finds himself in a struggle for dominance with many of the other demon lords.

Orcus is no longer content to grow old and fat feeding on larvae in his castle. He focuses his anger and hate on the absolute destruction of his enemies and the spread of woe and havoc among mortals. Truly a demon reborn, Orcus is more terrible and more dangerous than ever.

Orcus hates both Demogorgon and Graz’zt. He resents them for their power, and he covets their realms. Orcus commands a host of undead as well as armies of demons that ravage the fields of the Abyss that they cross.

Probably because he has an identifiable, if loathsome, “portfolio,” Orcus is worshiped as a god more often than most of the other demon princes are. Although Demogorgon might actually be more powerful, Orcus may be closer to ascending to true godhood.

Standing 15 feet tall, Orcus is a massive demon. His head bears a striking resemblance to that of a ram, and his legs end in cloven hooves. Batlike wings complete the picture of the archetypal demon. In fact, when commoners think of demons, they most likely think of some terrible picture of Orcus that they once saw somewhere.

Orcus is best known in some circles for his wand, an artifact of malefic might. This wand—more accurately described as a rod—is made of black iron and obsidian and topped with a skull. It has terrible powers (see the Artifacts section of Chapter 6) and is a horrific weapon in its own right. The black, skull-topped rod also serves as the prince’s symbol.

The Goals of Orcus

Orcus is in many ways a contradictory figure. He does not delight in his charges, the undead, and has not taken up the self-proclaimed mantle “Prince of the Undead” out of devotion or allegiance. If anything, the demon lord despises undead. He has little but contempt for them and uses them without thought or consideration. Of course, Orcus despises the living as well. He hates all things, and seethes with utter revulsion and loathing at all times. He craves only personal power and the spread of misery and destruction for all others.

Occasionally, Orcus allows his wand to be found by a mortal in order to wreak greater chaos and evil among those inhabiting the Material Plane. This sort of dalliance lasts only for a short time—perhaps a year or two at most—before the bloated prince grows bored and reclaims his artifact, usually along with the soul of whoever currently wields it.

Orcus is in a constant state of war with his rivals Demogorgon and Graz’zt. More often than not, actual warfare occurs between his armies of undead and demons and Graz’zt’s hordes of monsters and demons. Strife with Demogorgon often takes a more subtle guise, that of assassination and sabotage. This is usually because both his and Demogorgon’s full armies are simultaneously warring against the forces of Graz’zt. However, sometimes the legions of Orcus and Demogorgon meet in the course of their struggle against Graz’zt, and then they attack each other as viciously as they fight the legions of the Dark Prince.

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