Scorpion, the

Renegade Kin, exists on all planes at once

An older Kin than Skufruss himself, the Scorpion was a strange individual, even by Kin standards. His particular powers made him differerent, and had left him with a burning resentment and hatred for those more normal. Skufruss described him as a loner and a mad dog, whose motivations were never quite clear.

Sack, already worried by how dangerous Skufruss obviously thought the Scorpion was, asked for more information on the powers Skufruss had mentioned. The answer confirmed his suspicions.

"The Scorpion exists coterminously on all possible planes of existence," began Skufruss in his best instructional tones. Sack looked baffled, and Skufruss elaborated, "At the same time." The half-orc gestured for him to continue.

"He remains one person, one consciousness," continued Skufruss, "so I presume he must have a single point-of-view, a concentrated attention in one place at once. But he doesn't need to travel between the planes; for any given plane, if he wishes to visit it, he is already there - or not as he desires." Sack shook his head in concern. The ramifications were obvious; if he were attacked, the Scorpion would simply be somewhere else when the blows landed. Likewise with magical effects. This was clearly how the unfortunate elves had met their end, slain by an attacker who simply wasn't there.

With a heavy heart, he thanked the Lord of Dragons and moved on to Enning, where the Seer-Lord confirmed Skufruss' account, adding a recommendation not to tangle with this one of his brothers if they could help it.

Spent some time murdering Elves in and around the ruins of Belegond. Not seen since but probably still alive somewhere

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