Trakar Swamps

Vast swampland on the eastern edges of Orwin and Oret, homeland of lizardmen

Trakar is a desolate place, a vast expanse of treacherous bogs and marshes. Though parts of it technically belong to Orwin and Oret, neither nation has any use for the parts of it they "own". Since about 650 Imperial, the swamps have been infested with lizardmen. Nobody really knows where they came from, but as long as humans stay away from them, they seem content to live in their noisome swamps. Humans venturing into the Trakar, however, had best be very well equipped and in large groups to stand even a chance of returning. No-one is too clear what lies in the deep Trakar; some tell wild stories of great lizard cities and civilizations, although this is rather unlikely.

On his arrival in known Alair, Varkar selected the lizardman race as his "chosen people" and commenced a brutally efficient program of controlled breeding and training to transform them from swamp-dwelling bandit raiders to the officer corps and cadre of his burgeoning army. While lizard men are now widespread across Alair, the Trakar remains their home, and the terrain they're most suited for. Some improvements to their towns have been made, but many lizardmen live in the deep swamp exactly as their forebears did a thousand years ago.

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