
Dwarf city, historically most open in trade, best smiths. Only Dwarf city ever to undergo a coup d'etat.

With Gloiran out of the picture after the war with the Shadowkami, Kobur quickly picked up the position of the city that trades dwarf-made goods to the outside world. With the secret of working adamantite in its' possession (although with no source of the ore), the city could provide at least one product no-one else could, if the materials could be located. Other exports were also in demand; dwarf-wrought mail and weapons, raw metals and stone, worked finery.

But most of all, the dwarves of Kobur exported skilled labour. All over northern Alair, rebuilding was going on, of cities, roads, towns. Many places didn't even have a village smith. To all these places came the dwarves, trading in dressed stone, steel tools, iron fixings, and the skill of stonemasonry. Gold, and foodstuffs unavailable in the Erean Mountains, flooded in, and Kobur's prosperity waxed - as did King Berrin Ironfist's popularity.

Bogadun: (vacant)
Saemir: Helval Rockhand (H)
Hastein: Munathol (H)
Gothorm: Keppainon Molmadh (K)
Thorir: Karagrim (K)

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