
The new name for Trialt, reflecting Karennal's metamorphosis into a major religious site

The original temple replaced (?subsumed) by the Kordasa, an expression of Godpower which has focussed the faith of Kord in the city of Karennal.

Skufruss has been overthrown and has left, monastaries and holy orders have sprung up, paladins (there are Human paladins of Kord again!) walk the streets, more and more are converted, and Trialt is well on the way to being a full-blown theocracy; the new movement calls itself the Church of Kord Triumphant.

The prayer-sword (holy symbol) of Vollun Crusher, Dragonslayer, priest of Kord and companion of Hildraft himself, has become a major relic, protected and cared for.

The vampires have abandoned operations there, and the relationship between the Renders and the Church is becoming strained.

The temples started by Jasselan in 1602 rose all over the lands of the Kordasa, and the faith of Kord had never been stronger. Trade was strong too; with the building work going on all over the northern world, the ancient stone mines of northern Trialt were re-opened and provide a marketable asset for the New Faithful.

With gritted teeth, the Kordasa accepted the instructions of Hildraft and opened trade with the Orcs of Kîshshul; rather to their surprise, they found the latter as good as their word (with the occasional mishap) in their intention to do business instead of war.

The borders between Tarlanor and the Kordasa intersected around 1606 and the defences along the Kordic side were truly impressive, fortresses, walls, fences and garrisons all braced, ready for the attack everyone was convinced would come.

Despite the regular losses, Kordic missionaries continued to cross the border into Enning, each convinced that he can prove to Thelvian Tyrkor that the gods do exist, and that Kord is worthy of worship, or at least tolerance.

In 1624 High Priest Jasselan was assassinated within the halls of the Temple. Divination indicated that the blame for this lay with Skufruss, and the outraged Kordasans began to prepare for war. War was declared the following year. Initial engagements went in favour of the Kordasan forces. Fanahan was raised High Priest of the Kordasa, and announced that the time has finally come to cleanse the nest of evil that is Tarlanor. War was declared, and the old but hale Manton Vanechka led his army over the border and into Tarlanor. Four successful engagements left the Kordasan forces’ morale high, and Vanechka sent word that the war will soon be over.

Then in 1627, the Tarlanorans struck back with overwhelming force at Silnarl. Mighty dragons seared whole divisions with fire and tactics of superhuman brilliance left Kord’s forces bewildered. Manton Vanechka was killed in action and his second-in-command, Amanrin Carin, took over. He performed a near-miracle in disengaging his forces with minimal losses, and retreated to comparative safety. Fanahan attempted to rally allies from Kishshul, New Tellare, and Enning, but without success. The moderate Cardinal Budhthar Stonehelm, a dwarf, impeached and replaced Fanahan and announced he wished to open negotiations with Tarlanor for an armistice. This was negotiated with the aid of elven diplomats and a surly peace settled on the north.

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