
Northern land, plunged into anarchy since the Slaying

Oret was a forward-looking nation, with a great history of successful diplomacy and negotiation with its’ neighbors. Its’ population didn’t match its’ ambitions, though, and the city of Kelorsal was really a large town by Imperial standards. Like Orwin, a large area of Oret was forest, and wood was plentiful and various in Oret. The woodlands and the marshes around the three lakes in Oret make for an interesting mixture of herbs, some of which grow nowhere else. The people of Oret were justly famed for their arts of herbology and plant-medicine. There was constant low-level trouble on the western border of Oret, as the lizard-men of the Trakar swamps seemed uninterested in negotiation, and mounted the occasional raid onto dry land.

After the speedy conquest of its' neighbor Orwin, Oret realized that there was no chance of resistance, and surrendered without a fight. Incorporated into the Dragonrealm, Oret was spared the greater excesses of conquest, although the lizardmen expanded their holdings on the fringe of the Trakar and took some measure of revenge on the borderers who had kept them at bay for so many years, unchecked by the governor.

The establishment of Dalaghendor to the north displaced the lizardmen stil loyal to the Dragon's ways, and those still too primitive for Dalaghendor's civilized approach, into the deeps of the Southern Trakar, and the west of Oret suffered badly as a result. Raiding, pillaging and destruction by the lizardmen was worse than it had ever been; the rather ineffectual Kin governer Elgnis had been killed, and the humans of Oret were being driven back towards the eastern borders.

Some among the Oretians remembered old tales of the alliances between Men and Elves, and argued that they should appeal to the returned Eldar for aid before they were exterminated. Others felt that the Elves hold all Men in disdain since Thallan, and would not help.

Succour was closer at hand. The reborn land of New Tellare expanded its borders slowly but surely, finally absorbing all of what remained of southern Oret and imposing law and peace - and taxes.

No-one is too clear what lies in the deep Trakar; some tell wild stories of great lizard cities and civilizations, although this is rather unlikely.

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