
Northern land, now divided between Dalaghendor and wasteland

With the great river Aldgorm running through it and the Trakar marshes on the western border, northern Orwin’s main industry was fishing. To the south there were two forests, shared with Sinval and Oret, and Orwin also exported timber to the rest of Alair. The best bows made by non-elves were also made in Orwin, and Orwinian archers were famed throughout the lands; two mercenary bands composed entirely of Orwinian archers served in the various Northern wars, and the Erlyid empire maintained a cohort of Orwinian archers as part of the Imperial Guard. Though there now are no native Orwinians to recruit to this, the unit still exists, and maintans the traditions and skills of Orwin as they remember them.

Attacked by armies from both Duceor and the Trakar, and denied assistance by the Elvenking, Orwin was easily overwhelmed and added to Varkar's conquests in 1200. The making of bows, previously Orwin's pride, was banned utterly, and only survived in secret in a few places.

After the Slaying and the establishment of Dalaghendor, most Orwinians migrated west to settle within the civilized borders of the new realm; but a few, hardier, more independent, or with a grudge against all lizardmen however civilized, remained living almost wild in the east of what was once Orwin. Returning to the ancient weapons of their ancestors, these folk became part hunter-rangers and part bandits, some living mainly from game, but others ruthlessly waylaying travellers and looting their possessions. Eastern Orwin was no longer a safe place.

In the years since, most of these wild men have been exterminated by the Dalaghendans, but a few hardy communities remain, preying ruthlessly on anyone unfortunate enough to come within their reach.

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