Mazahir Daywalker

Daywalker vampire, emissary for the High Clans, old friend of the party, slain by Sack in Karennal

In 730, Mazahir was the commander of the mercenary band the Crimson Eagles, in which Surya, Sack, Kobort and Hildraft served before going solo. He was a cunning tactician, a well-liked leader, and a lucky commander, and all four respected him for his abilities. After the PCs had fallen victim to the petrification trap in Gorntar Castle, he and his band continued to operate successfully for several years until Mazahir had a literally life-changing encounter. Details are unclear, but it appears that at some stage, Mazahir was overcome and Turned by a vampire. For one of several possible but very rare reasons, when he rose from his grave in his new form, he emerged as a Daywalker; a vampire able to survive and operate (in a very reduced way) during the hours of daylight.

Mazahir appears to have returned to his mercenary band, and managed to lead it more or less as before until the Invasion in 895. The Crimson Eagles were wiped out by the Dragon's forces, and Mazahir was the only survivor.

After that he was recruited by one of the mysterious vampire Clans, who greatly covet Daywalker agents for their adaptability and independence. The Clan sent him to Khundrukar in order to establish exactly who and what was now in charge of the newly-emerged Sword of the Dead Legions, and to try and confirm the rumours they'd heard of a quest for the Seventh Sword of the Noldor - and to influence its' disposition if it were to be found. He proved unable to influence the party, and once the Dragon was slain and the Elves returned went to ground in Karennal, then centre of the ongoing vampire operation.

Encountering the newly-trained vampire hunter Sack there, he attempted to warn him and his companions about the upcoming Kingmaker, but Sack's emnity for vampires led him to challenge the Daywalker, and Mazahir was slain.

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