Noldor (High Elves)

The most numerous, learned and powerful Elven race

The most often seen of the Elven races, the Noldor are generally stronger, more learned, more skilled in crafts and in building, and deeper in magic than their woodland bretheren. They love the making of towers, and strong and graceful walls, and beautiful cities at once ordered and in tune with nature.

Averaging 6' tall, the Noldor are noticeably taller than most humans, though somewhat slimmer. They have fine-featured faces, slightly elongated and thin, with slightly slanted eyes and upswept ears. Hair colour is either golden or black, and their eyes tend to green, grey or blue. Their hands are long and supple, and they move with an instinctive grace which few other races can match.

The lifespan of the elves has been a puzzlement to the sages of Man for many centuries. While the great heroes of legend, such as Galoriand, are mentioned in accounts dating back as far as is recorded, many of them fought in the Elf Wars. While elves do not age as Men do, many have lived and died in the time Men have known them. Some speculate that there is a voluntary element to the Elven lifespan, that the individual may choose to lay down their life when they wish; the elves refuse to be drawn.

Elven society is structured on family lines, with noble families establishing a House to which families of lesser rank swear fealty. The King of the Noldor is held High King of the Elves, as the wood-elves have less desire to organize and control than their city-dwelling cousins. Martial training and excellence is admired among the Noldor, and each noble lord retains a force of trained warriors. Occasional individual heroes will arise and earn renown by great deeds, and these sometimes establish new Houses and attract followers of their owm. Many elven warriors have two or three thousand years of fighting experience to call upon.

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