
Horsman and Archer God of the Red Dust Nomads

A mighty horseman and archer, Hobushu once had a bet with his father the Sky and mother the Earth that he could shoot an arrow through the moon in the daytime; the prize was to be everlasting strength and freedom for his people. His shot struck home, and the splinters that were broken off the moon became the stars; every month, the side of the moon he knocked off turns to face the world and can be seen to this day. The nomads of the Red Dust believe that if they live well, fight bravely and die in battle, they will join the mighty Kozaki that ride the skies with Hobushu. His domains are Animal, Protection, Travel and Strength.

Events in the north are so distant to the nomads that they have barely heard of Varkar; if they think of him at all, they believe he is some kind of large animal that Hobushu will hunt and shoot if he needs to.

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