
Dwarf God (Strength, luck, reckless strength, courage)

While dwarf leaders, generals and nobles will pray to Moradin before a battle, the average footsoldier will invoke Kord instead. Kord is the master of the headlong attack, the surprise overrun, and the stand against terrible odds. His nature is more chaotic than any other dwarven deity, and where dwarves have to deal with chance, luck or hope, they call on Kord. His domains are War, Chaos, Luck and Strength; sometimes (but not always) Good.

A cult of Kord exists among humans also, venerating the same god but viewing him differently; the humans see him with a sword not an axe for a start. This aspect of Kord is sometimes referred to as Kord Battlemaster, whereas the dwarven aspect is called Kord of the Axe, or more often just Kord.

Kord has taken considerable interest in recent events, largely through the agency of the Hand of Kord. Hildraft's inadvertent focussing of Kord's power into what became the Kordasa has greatly increased Kord's influence and significance on the Prime Material, not least by a sudden increase in worshippers.

The highest regular rank in the dwarvish Kordic church is Bishop. These meet in an assembly known as the Curia. Each clan in the city elects one Cardinal from the bishops raised from that clan, and these are collectively the Kazadar or Conclave of Cardinals. The Kazadar elects from within itself the Archpriest who is absolute head of the Church within that dwarf city.

In theory, the Archpriests of Kord may gather and act jointly, but they have never done so.

Hildraft's rank is peculiar, being out to the side as it were, granted directly by Kord, but probably falls somewhere between Bishop and Cardinal in general terms.

The orcish acolyte Duzmakhmol spread the faith to the orcs of Kishshul, and established a new sect of Ashmuzkor-Kord.

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