
God of the Lizardmen; The Scales of Steel

The Scales of Steel (the meaning of Shuskrah in Krultac) is the archetype of the perfect Lizard warrior; strong, quick, cunning and merciless. He shows his people the safe islands and the deadly quicksands, and gives them the strength they need to overcome humans and crack their bones for meals. The shamans of Shuskrah teach what little magic lizardmen use, but are also deadly fighters and canny marsh rangers as well. His domains are War, Water, Evil and Strength.

Shuskrah's cult suffered dreadfully under the Dragon. Varkar decreed that there was only one god in the Dragonrealms, and that god was Varkar Barduric. All temples of Shuskrah, even the hidden ones in the deep Trakar, were destroyed, and all known priests slaughtered. Nonetheless, in odd corners, followers of the old god remained faithful, and many otherwise concretely loyal lizard warriors would surreptitiously make the Sign of the Scale before going into battle.

There were persistent rumours that there was a secret temple hidden somewhere so deep in the Trakar that even Varkar could not find it - some said it was underwater - where a secret society of lizardfolk worked and planned for the day their people could throw off the yoke of the Dragon and revive the true faith of the lizard people. This group came out of hiding during the invasion of Varkar's realm by the Elvenhost, and provided assistance. After the war, they settled in the north to found what is now Dalaghendor. The location of their secret temple, however, has never been discovered.

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