
Orc God (Theft and secrets)

Shargaas the Night Lord lives in a tremendous cavern system below the fiery plain of one of the levels of Gehenna.

It is said that his caves extend infinitely, and are darker than the blackest night.

There no creature has sight but Shargaas himself and his orcish spirit servants. Shargaas, though blinded completely by light from the sun, can see perfectly well in darkness out to a range of a mile or more. He can also climb any surface, even perfectly smooth ones, without slipping. In the days when he is said to have walked upon the earth, Shargaas could also hide himself and his followers so well that no mortal could detect his ambushes or lairs.

As might be expected, orcish bandits and half-orc thieves hold Shargaas as their patron, as do other regular orc tribes. The major religious holidays in the worship of Shargaas are the times of the new moon, when the sky is dark and cloudy.

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