Hildraft Varbgas Bogadun

Dwarf priest/warrior, The Hand of Kord, Dragonslayer, Ta'nara, bearer of the Axe of Glass

Hildraft is originally from Kobur, and spent his early life learning the expected dwarven skills (mining, metalworking and war). He went on several trade missions to Curulindale, where he encountered elves and learned their language, and once travelled to Trialt, where he was greatly impressed by the local stoneworking. On that occasion he also met Kobort when his group got caught up in the fighting at the fringes of a battle.

Hildraft left Kobur, following the popular dwarf tradition of going out into the world to seek one's fortune - enough to retire home and start a small mine, and to afford a wife. Of course, many dwarves who set out with this in mind find other things to spend their fortune on that they wouldn't otherwise have known about, and never actually get home.

Travelling vaguely north, he found himself in an inn in Trialt one rainy afternoon with a couple of other similar wanderers. One he remembered; it was the same Kobort he'd met here a couple of seasons ago. He fell in with the plan of forming an adventurer group, and has been working with them ever since.

He rides his faithful pit-pony Nobbin.

His middle name, Varbgas, is an obscure dwarvish expression meaning roughly "do not feed with onions".

Hildraft settled into the future world quite comfortably; dwarves are after all more accustomed to considering time in multiple centuries. His return to his ancestral home of Kobur was greeted in mixed style, as he was regarded as a returned hero by some and a threat by others. His decision to continue on rather than staying was the smoothest way out for everyone. However, his presentation of the Journals of Elverandil to the mastersmiths of Kobur have earned him undying glory in his home and great prestige, something he is not blind to the benefits of.

Granted custody of the mighty relic of Kord, the Axe of Glass, Hildraft proved his superiors' faith ten times over by delivering the final killing blow to the Dragon himself during the Slaying. Since then he has basked in Kord's overt favour, though he has yet to make any moves to return to Kobur or to utilise his new status. His inadvertent drinking of the Dragon's fresh blood during the Slaying appeared to have gifted him with the understanding of all languages.

Hildraft was the primary contact between the god Kord and the adventurers, and therefore rather more deeply committed to the quests than the other two. His status as a direct agent of Kord has increased to the point that he is now an Emissary, the first step on the road to Discipleship.

Probably his most significant act since the Slaying was the inadvertent triggering of the massive surge of faith in Trialt which led to the establishment of the Kordasa. Although pleased that his faith is so in the ascendant, he is slightly embarrassed by the earnestness of the Church of Kord Triumphant, and avoids too much close contact incase he gets enmeshed in their endless ceremonial and ritual.

His meeting with the Githyanki during the Siege of Vorsand, and his discovery of their name for his linguistic gift (Ta'nara) led to a peculiar alliance with Kazoth, a Githyanki knight and fellow Ta'nara. Kazoth actually rebelled against his own people to stand with his fellow Ta'nara, and only a peculiar twist of fate restored him to favour afterwards.

Hildraft particiapted in the aborted war with the shadowkami, and the rescue of the dwarves of Nisur from their enslavement by the mind flayers of Heppetah. He raised the priestess Yngrid to High Priestess of that city and it is widely rumoured the pair will marry any decade now.

He is often in the company of Surya of Tellare, providing a balance to the increasing darkness in that proud and powerful king, but the time approaches when the needs of Kord's faith in Kobur will draw him to settle down and take a less active role in the outside world.

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