Voice of the One

Mysterious prophet of The One, preached the faith in the Empire, escaped persecution, assumed into Heaven on his death

The mysterious prophet of the deity known only as The One. In the year 420, a mysterious prophet appeared in Lanirkos and began preaching the faith of a god he would call only The One. His own name he never revealed, saying only that he was "the voice". The cult was a simple and undemanding one, involving a basic respect for all forms of life, and an energy created by harmony between all living things. The only drawback was that the faith of The One precluded tolerance of the existence of any other gods. This was not popular with the Imperial authorities. Over the next few years, The Voice of The One was persecuted and hounded, though his followers - some of them in high places - managed to preserve him from major harm. Claims of miracles were alternately voiced and denied. Finally, in 453 Imperial, The Voice of The One died in Karsten and was immediately and publicly assumed into Heaven. The cult of The One has been growing ever since.

No details are known about The Voice, other than his gentle refusal to justify himself by miracles right up until his death.

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