This session's progress; click for
larger map
Examining the cave
formerly occupied by the kobolds, Animir and her companions found little
of interest. The eggs they considered briefly.
"Should we break
them, or take them with us?" wondered Animir. Thorkil shrugged and
went back to pulling crossbow bolts out of dead kobolds. Akara looked
bemused. "I don't know," he said, then brightened. "Dwarves
will know!" he said. "Leave it to dwarves."
For lack of a better
idea this was what they did. Moving on, the passageway opening in the
south side of the large cave came into view. They looked at this for a
moment, and considered the fact that the enemy reinforcements had come
from that direction. Looking at their own fairly serious wounds, Animir
decided that they really could do with not going that way, and led the
party north instead.
Here, the rough cave
walls gave way to a short section of cut and dressed stone blocks. Examining
them, Thorkil declared them to be dwarf-work, and reasonably recent; a
hundred years or so. All Animir could tell was that it was too blasted
low for her; the ceiling was 5' high, fine for Thorkil who was
a foot smaller than that and Akara who was even shorter, but not enough
for a 5'8" elf. She hunched over and shuffled along.
One passage was blocked
by a rockfall, which Thorkil told them had been deliberately caused by
the dwarves, to block whatever the passage led to. There was no way through
there; so they took the other route.
This brought them
to a 30' section of inclined passage, sloping upwards at 45° and descending
down below their feet for 3' or so. At the top a wooden platform of some
sort was vaguely visible; at the bottom were what looked like bones. (See
the map for a cross-section!)
Animir scrambled down
for a closer look, and found the bones to be those of kobolds, several
rather badly broken, she surmised from a tumble down the angled slope.
Looking up, she reckoned that, though it was tough, she could climb the
incline; so she slung her shield on her back and set to it. A few minutes'
scrambling saw her at the top, where she found a small wooden platform,
perched above the chute on one side and opening out over a 12' drop to
water on the other. She secured a rope and threw it down for the others,
and examined the next cave as they climbed.
It was a large cave,
about 50' across, and completely full of water. Peering down, Animir could
see handholds cut in the rock leading down, into the water. Sighing, she
shed her armour again, and started down the rock face.
Halfway down, she
lost her grip, and fell off, to plunge with a splash into the water. Slightly
stunned, she struggled for a moment to stay afloat, before sheepishly
realizing that the water was only 5' deep.
Standing up, she wallowed
off across the cave, heading for the exit on the other side. As she approached
it, it got shallower, and finally she was practically walking as she left
the cave and started exploring beyond.
A succession of more
caves shallowly filled with water ensued, at the end of which she emerged
into one with a shallow beach at the eastern end, as well as the inevitable
water-floored passage leading off to the south. She stopped and shrank
into the shadows, for she was not alone in this cave.
Ryl the Trog
Sitting in the dry
area, next to a heap of nasty-looking barbed javelins, was a reptillian
creature that she recognized from tales as a troglydyte. It appeared to
be mumbling or maybe praying, and was equipped with some sort of mace
as well as the javelins.
It looked significantly
tougher than the kobolds they'd fought earlier, so Animir decided to go
back for her friends before tackling it. She sloshed back to the deep
cave and swam back to the platform.
After some thought,
it occurred to Animir that she had two potions of Water Breathing
in her bag. Feeding one to Thorkil, she watched as he clambered down the
steps and vanished below the surface, leaving a trail of bubbles as he
walked along the bottom of the cave towards the other side. Hoisting her
armour and Akara's breastplate over her head, the elf walked across, while
the little kobold swam splashily beside her.
At the other side,
while she and Akara were tackling back up, Thorkil fixed her with a grumpy
expression. "Perishing elves. Always going on about yer eyesight.
Missed the boat, didn't you?" Animir blinked. "Boat? What boat?"
Thorkil took her back
into the cave and they looked at the sunken boat. It was stoved in on
one bow, but with repairs would have got them dry through the caves. "Never
mind," said Thorkil, "we solved it anyway."
Moving carefully up
to the Trog's cave, they examined their options. To reach him in melee
combat would require sloshing loudly across 40' of 2' deep water; calf-high
on Animir but chest-deep to Akara. They'd be exposed to javelin-cast all
the way and unable to retaliate. It seemed a much better plan to remain
where they were and use missiles themselves.
Stringing their bows,
they drew beads on the crouching reptile and let fly, catching him completely
by surprise. They did not get the quick kill they hoped for, though; he
seemed more enraged than injured. Leaping up, he siezed a javelin from
the heap and let fly.
The duel of projectiles
continued for a few more tense minutes, and then Thorkil scored a stunning
hit, straight in the forehead for maximum damage, and Ryl the Trog dropped
dead on the spot.
the corpse, the elf and dwarf eyed his possessions uneasily. Apart from
the black mace designed to look like a spider, he had a black stone pendant
also embossed with a spider and with writing in a peculiar script on the
back. Neither Animir nor Thorkil could read it, but it made them both